Disclaimer: The articles provided on this website as pdfs were published by journals and in edited volumes and thus copyrighted to them. These links are intended to facilitate the accepted practice that authors are allowed to distribute copies of their articles to interested parties for personal use. No commercial use may be made of the articles nor is mass production of the articles permitted.
*Denotes student co-author.
Ng, R.W.J.*, See, Y.H.M., & Wallace, L. (In press). When objective ambivalence leads to subjective ambivalence: An affect-cognition matching perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. <pdf> <data & materials>
Morena, L., Paredes, B., Horcajo, H., Briñol, P., See, Y. H. M., DeMarree, K., & Petty, R.E. (In press). The effects of perceived COVID-19 threat on compensatory conviction. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Ng, R. W. J.*, Bu, C.*, & See, Y. H. M. (2023). Defensive confidence and certainty in unchanged attitudes: The role of affect-cognition matching. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49, 773-790. <pdf> <data & materials>
See, Y. H. M., & Wade, W. P. (2022). Effects of living arrangements on well-being, perceived conflict, and intergroup attitudes for local and international students: Results from a field intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 78 (3), 544-562. <pdf>
Tan, K., & See, Y. H. M. (2022). Tugging at their heartstrings: Partner’s knowledge of affective meta-bases predicts use of emotional advocacies in close relationships. Social Cognition, 40, 150-171. <pdf>
See, Y. H. M., & Luttrell, A. (2021). When dueling emotions and conflicting beliefs predict subjective ambivalence: The role of meta-bases. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 97, 104204. <pdf> <data & materials>
See, Y. H. M., Lim, A.W.Q. *, & Pauketat, J.V.T. (2020). Values predict willingness to interact with immigrants: The role of cultural ideology and multicultural acquisition. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 51, 3-24. <pdf>
Johnson, I.R., Petty, R.E., Brinol, P., See, Y.H.M. (2017). Persuasive message scrutiny as a function of implicit-explicit discrepancies in racial attitudes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 70, 222-234. <pdf>
Tan, K.*, See, Y.H.M., & Agnew, C.R. (2015). Partner's understanding of affective-cognitive meta-bases predicts relationship quality. Personal Relationships, 22, 524-535. <pdf>
Whitson, J., Wang, C.S., See, Y.H.M., Baker, W., & Murnighan, J.K. (2015). How, when, and why recipients and observers reward good deeds and punish bad deeds. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 128, 84-95. <pdf>
Khoo, B.L.Z.*, & See, Y.H.M. (2014). Mortality salience and evaluations of ingroup versus outgroup critics: The role of criticism legitimacy. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 242-254. <pdf>
See, Y.H.M., Valenti, G., Ho, Y.Y.A.*, & Tan, M.S.Q.* (2013). When message tailoring backfires: The role of initial attitudes in affect-cognition matching. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 570-584. <pdf>
See, Y. H. M., Petty, R. E., & Fabrigar, L. R. (2013). Affective-cognitive meta-bases versus structural bases of attitudes predict processing interest versus efficiency. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 1113-1125. <pdf>
Wang, C.S., Leung, A.K.-y., See, Y.H.M., Gao, X.Y.* (2011). The effects of culture and friendship on rewarding honesty and punishing deception. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 1295-1299. <pdf>
See, Y.H.M., Petty, R.E., & Evans, M.L. (2009). The impact of perceived message complexity and need for cognition on information processing and attitudes. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 880-889. <pdf>
See, Y.H.M., Petty, R.E., & Fabrigar, L.R. (2008). Affective and cognitive meta-bases of attitudes: Unique effects on information interest and persuasion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94, 938-955. <pdf>
See, Y.H.M., & Petty, R.E. (2006). Effects of mortality salience on evaluation of ingroup and outgroup sources: The impact of pro- versus counter-attitudinal positions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 405-416. <pdf>
*Denotes student co-author.
Ng, R.W.J.*, See, Y.H.M., & Wallace, L. (In press). When objective ambivalence leads to subjective ambivalence: An affect-cognition matching perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. <pdf> <data & materials>
Morena, L., Paredes, B., Horcajo, H., Briñol, P., See, Y. H. M., DeMarree, K., & Petty, R.E. (In press). The effects of perceived COVID-19 threat on compensatory conviction. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Ng, R. W. J.*, Bu, C.*, & See, Y. H. M. (2023). Defensive confidence and certainty in unchanged attitudes: The role of affect-cognition matching. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49, 773-790. <pdf> <data & materials>
See, Y. H. M., & Wade, W. P. (2022). Effects of living arrangements on well-being, perceived conflict, and intergroup attitudes for local and international students: Results from a field intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 78 (3), 544-562. <pdf>
Tan, K., & See, Y. H. M. (2022). Tugging at their heartstrings: Partner’s knowledge of affective meta-bases predicts use of emotional advocacies in close relationships. Social Cognition, 40, 150-171. <pdf>
See, Y. H. M., & Luttrell, A. (2021). When dueling emotions and conflicting beliefs predict subjective ambivalence: The role of meta-bases. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 97, 104204. <pdf> <data & materials>
See, Y. H. M., Lim, A.W.Q. *, & Pauketat, J.V.T. (2020). Values predict willingness to interact with immigrants: The role of cultural ideology and multicultural acquisition. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 51, 3-24. <pdf>
Johnson, I.R., Petty, R.E., Brinol, P., See, Y.H.M. (2017). Persuasive message scrutiny as a function of implicit-explicit discrepancies in racial attitudes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 70, 222-234. <pdf>
Tan, K.*, See, Y.H.M., & Agnew, C.R. (2015). Partner's understanding of affective-cognitive meta-bases predicts relationship quality. Personal Relationships, 22, 524-535. <pdf>
Whitson, J., Wang, C.S., See, Y.H.M., Baker, W., & Murnighan, J.K. (2015). How, when, and why recipients and observers reward good deeds and punish bad deeds. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 128, 84-95. <pdf>
Khoo, B.L.Z.*, & See, Y.H.M. (2014). Mortality salience and evaluations of ingroup versus outgroup critics: The role of criticism legitimacy. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 242-254. <pdf>
See, Y.H.M., Valenti, G., Ho, Y.Y.A.*, & Tan, M.S.Q.* (2013). When message tailoring backfires: The role of initial attitudes in affect-cognition matching. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 570-584. <pdf>
See, Y. H. M., Petty, R. E., & Fabrigar, L. R. (2013). Affective-cognitive meta-bases versus structural bases of attitudes predict processing interest versus efficiency. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 1113-1125. <pdf>
Wang, C.S., Leung, A.K.-y., See, Y.H.M., Gao, X.Y.* (2011). The effects of culture and friendship on rewarding honesty and punishing deception. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 1295-1299. <pdf>
See, Y.H.M., Petty, R.E., & Evans, M.L. (2009). The impact of perceived message complexity and need for cognition on information processing and attitudes. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 880-889. <pdf>
See, Y.H.M., Petty, R.E., & Fabrigar, L.R. (2008). Affective and cognitive meta-bases of attitudes: Unique effects on information interest and persuasion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94, 938-955. <pdf>
See, Y.H.M., & Petty, R.E. (2006). Effects of mortality salience on evaluation of ingroup and outgroup sources: The impact of pro- versus counter-attitudinal positions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 405-416. <pdf>
Horcajo, J., Briñol, P., Paredes, B., Petty, R.E., DeMarree, K.G., & See, Y.H.M. (2022). Polarization of attitudes as a function of meta-cognition: A meta-cognitive analysis. Psicothema, 34(2), 226-232.
See, Y.H.M. (2020). Cognitive-affective processing system. In V. ZeiglerHill, & T. K., Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences (pp.733-738). Springer. <pdf>
Wade, W.P., & See, Y.H.M. (2014). Measuring critical thinking as a learning outcome: A pilot study from the Ideas and Exposition I Module, Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 4, 220-236.
See, Y.H.M., & Khoo, B.L.Z.* (2011). Tailoring information to change attitudes: A meta-structural approach. In I.M. Saleh & M.S. Khine (Eds.), Attitudes research in science education: Classic and contemporary measurements (pp.177-198). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Yang, Y., See, Y.H.M., Ortony, A., & Tan, J. J.* (2010). Subjective effectiveness in agent-to-human negotiation: A frame x personality account. In P. McBurney, S. Parsons, I. Rahwan, & N. Maudet (Eds), Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, 6057, 134-149, Springer-Verlag. <pdf>
Horcajo, J., See, Y.H.M., Briñol, P., Petty, R.E. (2008). The role of mortality salience in consumer persuasion. Advances in Consumer Research, 35, 782-783. <pdf>
See, Y. H. M., & Petty, R. E. (2007). The need for cognition. In R.F. Baumeister & K. D. Vohs (Eds), Encyclopedia of social psychology (pp. 611-613). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. <pdf>
Horcajo, J., Briñol, P., Paredes, B., Petty, R.E., DeMarree, K.G., & See, Y.H.M. (2022). Polarization of attitudes as a function of meta-cognition: A meta-cognitive analysis. Psicothema, 34(2), 226-232.
See, Y.H.M. (2020). Cognitive-affective processing system. In V. ZeiglerHill, & T. K., Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences (pp.733-738). Springer. <pdf>
Wade, W.P., & See, Y.H.M. (2014). Measuring critical thinking as a learning outcome: A pilot study from the Ideas and Exposition I Module, Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 4, 220-236.
See, Y.H.M., & Khoo, B.L.Z.* (2011). Tailoring information to change attitudes: A meta-structural approach. In I.M. Saleh & M.S. Khine (Eds.), Attitudes research in science education: Classic and contemporary measurements (pp.177-198). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Yang, Y., See, Y.H.M., Ortony, A., & Tan, J. J.* (2010). Subjective effectiveness in agent-to-human negotiation: A frame x personality account. In P. McBurney, S. Parsons, I. Rahwan, & N. Maudet (Eds), Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, 6057, 134-149, Springer-Verlag. <pdf>
Horcajo, J., See, Y.H.M., Briñol, P., Petty, R.E. (2008). The role of mortality salience in consumer persuasion. Advances in Consumer Research, 35, 782-783. <pdf>
See, Y. H. M., & Petty, R. E. (2007). The need for cognition. In R.F. Baumeister & K. D. Vohs (Eds), Encyclopedia of social psychology (pp. 611-613). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. <pdf>