Courses Taught
Advanced Social Psychology (Graduate-Level Seminar)
Social Psychology: Theories and Method (Undergraduate-Level Seminar)
Social Psychology (Undergraduate-Level Lecture and Tutorial)
Lab in Attitudes (Undergraduate-Level)
Social Cognition (Undergraduate-Level Lecture and Tutorial)
Introduction to Psychology (Undergraduate-Level Lecture)
- The aim of this module is to provide postgraduate students with an in-depth knowledge of selected topics in social psychology, such as attitudes, interpersonal relationships, and intergroup relations. This knowledge is based on both a historical perspective and an overview of the current research and theory in this field. Students will read a sampling of classic articles as well as review current research and theory on selected topics. Classes will consist of lectures, discussion and student presentations.
Social Psychology: Theories and Method (Undergraduate-Level Seminar)
- This module deals with contemporary social psychology. Topics include cognitive perspectives in social psychology, quantitative methods in social psychology, attitudes and attitude change, interpersonal attraction, intergroup relations, and cultural psychology. In discussing these topics, illustrations are given of how research programmes are conducted in social psychology.
Social Psychology (Undergraduate-Level Lecture and Tutorial)
- This course provides a broad foundation for the study of human social behaviour. Topics such as attitudes, social cognition, interpersonal relations and group processes are discussed. One aim of this course is to introduce students to the theories and research of social psychology. A second aim is to help students appreciate how the findings of social psychologists are relevant and applicable to the day-to-day situations in our lives.
Lab in Attitudes (Undergraduate-Level)
- The first half of this module will explicate different methods and paradigms in social psychology with attitudes and persuasion studies. The course aims to provide students with a broad overview of methodologies as well as a deeper understanding of the important issues in attitudes research at the same time. For the second half of the module, students will carry out group projects, applying their knowledge to conducting research. They will have hands-on experiences at different research stages, from how a research question is formulated, operationalized and investigated, to data analysis, result presentation and writing-up.
Social Cognition (Undergraduate-Level Lecture and Tutorial)
- This module will focus on the cognitive processes that explain how people think and behave in the social world. It operates on the assumption that interpersonal behaviour is cognitively mediated in that social interactions are determined by what we know and believe about ourselves, other people, and the situations in which we encounter them. Topics to be covered include person perception, person memory, and nonconscious processes.
Introduction to Psychology (Undergraduate-Level Lecture)
- This module introduces psychology as an empirical, behavioural science. The aim is to provide students with a broad overview of the different fields in psychology. The emphasis of the course is two-fold: first, so that students appreciate the diversity and richness of the psychology discipline; second, to acquaint students with the important principles, theories, concepts and findings in psychology. Topics covered include the biological bases of behaviours, developmental psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, and abnormal psychology.